

  • 1 puff pastry
  • About thirty cherry tomatoes
  • 180g jar of Thoïonade Sur le Sentier des Bergers (Tuna cream)
  • Herbes de Provence


  1. Unroll the puff pastry.
  2. Cut out about 7 cm discs.
  3. Spread a little thoïonade on the dough.
  4. Arrange 3 tomatoes on each of discs.
  5. Sprinkle with herbes de Provence.
  6. Bake for a few minutes at 180 °, until the dough is golden brown.

Produits associés



  • 1 puff pastry
  • About thirty cherry tomatoes
  • 180g jar of Thoïonade Sur le Sentier des Bergers (Tuna cream)
  • Herbes de Provence


  1. Unroll the puff pastry.
  2. Cut out about 7 cm discs.
  3. Spread a little thoïonade on the dough.
  4. Arrange 3 tomatoes on each of discs.
  5. Sprinkle with herbes de Provence.
  6. Bake for a few minutes at 180 °, until the dough is golden brown.

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